Unit 1

  • Primitives (int, char,double,bool) vs Object (String, other classes)
  • Primitives only have value, Objects have properties Homework: We did this unit, so no HW needed to be done
  • Casting: Defining the variable of a prinitive, can be used to either round a number (Truncate) or to get the decimal value of a number -done by (primitive)variable_name
  • Warapper Class: Used to convert Primitive Data Types into Objects

int g = 1;
int h = 3;
int f = g/h;

System.out.println(f); //prints out 0, if double would be 0.33 because it keeps out double's place

double c = 6.9;

// No casting (shows full decimal)

// casting to integer (rounds down to 6)
System.out.println((int)c); //printing out the function

int b = 10;

// Using "Integer" wrapper class
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

// Creating "Integer" from int
Integer b_wrap = new Integer(b);

// Adding A again to they arraylist with wrapper class

//Printing Both elements
[10, 10]

Unit 2

  • Object is a created instance in a class with a constructor (thing which helps create and define instances)
  • Static methods and properties based on class, cannot be used in other classes
  • Methods can have more than 1 parameter, as long as the types and name of them are different
  • Homework: https://kinerboi.github.io/myFirstRepopart2/2022/10/23/Unit2HW.html
  • Concatenation: Allows for combining Strings together with the + sign when printing out code
  • Math class: Built in Java functions which allow someone to do mathematical operations instead of hardcoding them.
  • Comparing Numbers/Strings/Objects: == to check if values have equal value, /= to check if values do not equal each other
  • Truth Tables: Used to determine whether a expression is true/false for all input values
    • && is and
    • || is or
    • true = true;
    • false = false;
    • == is equals
    • != is not equals
String a = "The";
String b = " San Francisco 49ers ";
int c = 100;
String d = "% ong fr.";

The San Francisco 49ers 100% ong fr.
double n = 10;
double o = Math.pow(n,2); //to take the square root of n (or 10)


int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int c = 1;

// Comparing two same numbers
System.out.println(a == b);

// Comparing two different numbers
System.out.println(a != c);
System.out.println(a == c);

String as = new String("holy");
String bs = new String("holy");

// Comparing the same string to itself (SAME memory location)
System.out.println(as == as);

// Comparing strings with same content using wrong operator 
System.out.println(as == bs);

// Comparing strings with right function .equals()

Unit 3

  • Booleans store true or false
  • Can be generated with comaprisons (==,>,<,>=,<=)
  • Compound Boolean Expression can be made combining various conditons with &&,||,==,!= (Look for Basic Definitions up top to see meaning)
  • if statements take boolean conditional and do code based on such
  • else if/else statements can expand code
  • De Morgan's Law (!(a && b) = !a || !b) AND (!(a || b) = !a && !b)
  • Truth Tables
  • Homework: https://kinerboi.github.io/myFirstRepopart2/2022/10/24/Unit3.html

boolean a = true;
boolean b = false;

// complicated boolean expression
boolean res1 = !(a && b) || !(a || b);
// !a || !b || !a && !b
//True, because in all cases it cannot be either a or b


Unit 4

  • While loop runs WHILE a boolean coditional is true
  • For loops iterate and increase in loops throghout until conditional value is met
  • Enhanced for loops can iterate though all values of an arrary, but that value cant be changed
  • Homework: https://kinerboi.github.io/myFirstRepopart2/2022/10/23/Unit4HW.html
  • For/Enhanced For loops are to iterate through a loop until a condition is met
  • While and Do While loop runs while a condition is true
    • While loop runs check before each iteration of code is run
    • Do While loop runs check after each iteration of code is run
  • Nested loops are loops within loops
 int sum = 0;
 int sum1 = 0;
 int[] arr = {2, 4, 6, 8};

 for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)  { //condition to keep loop running
     sum = sum + arr[i]; //adding up values in array

 for(int i : arr) { //enhanced for loop especially used for Arrays
    sum1 = sum1 + i; //adding up values of array                    
int i = 0;
int steps = 0;

while (i < 9) {
    steps = steps + i;

do {
    steps = steps + i;
} while (i < 9);
//seeing how differentt values pop up, based on checking before or after increment

String [][] phoneKeyboard = {
    {"1", "2", "3"},
    {"4", "5", "6"},
    {"7", "8", "9"},
    {" ", "0"," " }

  for (int i = 0; i< phoneKeyboard.length; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j< phoneKeyboard[i].length; j++) {
      System.out.print(phoneKeyboard[i][j] + " ");
1 2 3 
4 5 6 
7 8 9 

Unit 5

  • Classes used to create objects, have properties and methods
    • Properties stre info about class, can be made public (accessible thoghout code) or private (accessible in class only)
    • Methods modify object
  • Getters/Setters can be used to retrieve data from a private class
  • Homework: https://kinerboi.github.io/myFirstRepopart2/2022/10/20/Class.html
  • Creating a Class, describe Naming Conventions
    • Camel case, first letter of word always lowercase and then first letter of next word is upper case
    • No Spaces in a class name
  • Constructor, describe why there is no return -Constructor is where all the objects of class are defined, thus letting one know what properties a class has
  • Accessor methods, relationship to getter
    • help get the value of one variable, accssing it and storing the value temporarily
    • funciton will have primitive type based on type of primitive that the value is
  • Mutator methods, relationship to setter, describe void return type
    • take the temporarily stored value, and sets it to another variable which can be used for other tasks
    • are void functions, because they do not return any value
  • Static variables
    • Static Variables are variables that are common to all parts of the class
  • Show use case of access modifiers: Public, Private
    • Public Classes are classes which are acccessible everywhere in code
    • Private Classes are classes wherre primitives and other data types are accessible within the class only
  • Static methods
    • Methods that are already defined in class, do not need to be made manually unlike other Class methods
  • this Keyword
    • Allowa one to access properties inside class
    • Assumes class in which this Keyword is called is the default class that user means to call
  • main method, tester methods -Where code is implemented and ran
  • Inheritance, extends
    • Made to extend a defined class, and add more methods and properties into it
  • Overloading a method, same name different parameters
    • Help to calculate the same things with same method name without needing to worry aout the type of primitive variable
  • Overriding a method, same signature of a method
    • Where the definition of a subclass becomes the default definition of the main class
  • Abstract Class, Abstract Method -Classes and methods, without any definition to them (no code written define the abstract class, allowing one to make new objects in seperate classes based on abstract class)
  • Standard methods: toString(), equals(), hashCode()
    • These methods help to access and print out final information without needing to access methods in class, thus allowing one to just print the method
 public class thisAnimal { //camel case, public class
    int legs = 4; //primitive variables
    int face = 1;

    public thisAnimal (int legs, int face) { //contstructor defining class with variables
        this.legs = legs; //this keyWord referring to thisAnimal class
        this.face = face;

    public void main (String[] args) { //Tester Method

//Setters and Getters code

public class ThisAnimal { //camel case, public class
    int legs = 4; //primitive variables
    int face = 1;

    public ThisAnimal (int legs1, int face1) { //contstructor defining class with variables
        this.legs = legs1; //this keyWord referring to thisAnimal class
        this.face = face1;

    public int getThisAnimal() {
        return this.face;

    public void setThisAnimal(int faceFinal) {
        this.legs = faceFinal;

    public static void main (String[] args) { //Tester Method

        ThisAnimal thisTiger = new ThisAnimal();




class staticClass {
  // static method
  static String coolMethod (String k) {
    return k + " is ";

  // static property
  static int mujer = 8;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // no object needed 
    System.out.println("a " + staticClass.mujer + "/10");

she is a 8/10