/*Primitives are data types which are the most basic and simple ons in Java. They are meant to
 *contain simple forms of data, such as numbers and true/false. The main examples of Primitives
 are booleans, char, int, float, and double.

 //This notebook will contain an example of Primitves being used
 import java.util.Scanner;

 public class TempConversions { 

    double celsius = 0;
    double kelvin = 0;
    String finalTempsGiven = "These are all the values of given temperature in Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin!"; //this string typed up shows the value that all value of temperature are given

    public void convertTemp(double farenheit, boolean tempInFaren) {
      if (tempInFaren == true) {
        celsius = (((farenheit - 32) *5)/9) ; //temperature to convert from farenheit to celsius

        System.out.println("The temperature in Farenheit is " + farenheit);

        System.out.println("The temperature given in Farenheit, its value in degress Celsius is " + celsius + " degrees Celsius"); //gives temp in fareneheit
        kelvin = celsius + 273.15; //temperature conversion from celsius to kelvin
        System.out.println("The temperature given in Farenheit, its value in degrees Kevlin is " + kelvin + " degrees Kevlin");  //gives temp in kelvin
        System.out.println(finalTempsGiven); //print string
      else {
        System.out.println("Error"); //prints error if no

      //installation checks

    public static void main (String[] args) {
      boolean tempInFaren = true; //checks whether temperature

      Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
      System.out.println("Enter the temperature in Farenheit, because you live in the US!: "); //entering temperature in degrees farenheit
      double farenheit = input.nextDouble(); //scanning the input

      System.out.println("Is the temperature you entered in degrees Farenheit? Input true or false"); //checking whether the value inputed was in farenheit
      tempInFaren = input.nextBoolean(); //scanning the input

      TempConversions tempConverter = new TempConversions();
      tempConverter.convertTemp(farenheit, tempInFaren);
Enter the temperature in Farenheit, because you live in the US!: 
Is the temperature you entered in degrees Farenheit? Input true or false
The temperature in Farenheit is 60.0
The temperature given in Farenheit, its value in degress Celsius is 15.555555555555555 degrees Celsius
The temperature given in Farenheit, its value in degrees Kevlin is 288.7055555555555 degrees Kevlin
These are all the values of given temperature in Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin!